Change Depletes Energy; Resiliency Restores It

Building Resilience Workshop

When organizations and businesses go through structural change, it often comes with the burden of overwhelm, affecting everyone involved. The symptoms of an overloaded team show up in individual ways—poor communication, bickering, withdrawal, and declined mental health.

Not only must leaders recognize these signs, but they must also have tools gained from resilience training to focus on quality improvements for performance and preserve the team’s well-being.

Virtualcoaching Valerie
one half-day
for leaders at
all levels
in-person or
virtual options

What Will You Gain From Resilience training?

Tangible Resilient Pathways to Success

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Assess & Understand

Understanding our strengths and weaknesses is the first step to building resilience. We’ll analyze your “resilience muscles” with other team members to identify growth opportunities. 

Recognize Overwhelm

Sometimes, it’s difficult to recognize when we’re feeling overwhelmed by change in the workplace. You’ll learn to recognize signs of stress in yourself and your team and gain useful tools to combat it head-on in the resilience training workshop.

Recognize Overwhelm
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Build Resilience Muscles
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Build Resilience Muscles

Resilience, much like a muscle, needs regular strengthening. By developing and honing personal traits, you’ll consistently enhance your resilience and overcome the challenges of change.

We cannot stop change, We can improve how it affects us
Powerful Leaders Inspire Tenacity During Adversity

Bounce back better.

Resilience is commonly seen as bouncing back or pushing through adversity, and rightly so. At times, it may also mean simply managing to survive challenges without losing our core integrity. Understanding how change impacts us and acquiring tools to endure and thrive are crucial skills that enrich every part of our lives.

Change doesn’t have to be overwhelming

Contact Valerie W. Franco to begin your leadership transformation.