Crafted Leadership Development & Coaching Programs

Are you seeking leadership development and coaching programs that have a lasting impact on your career or on your team?

Organizational change means that every team member must come together and learn to work differently. Before that can happen, they must understand WHY the change is necessary, and WHAT is expected. No one gets this the first time they hear it- the message must be clear, inspirational, and repeated many times in many ways.

Square icons to represent the structure of the workshops.

Leadership Development & Coaching Programs for Everyone

Leaders are often tasked with pivotal decisions and navigating complex situations. When such challenges induce stress and doubt in leaders, it can ripple through the entire organization, fostering widespread uncertainty.

one half-day workshops
for leaders at all levels
in-person or virtual options

In order to influence people to change, we must convince their hearts as well as their minds. Valerie Franco’s Communicating Through Change Workshop provides leaders with a strategy for sharing their vision of the future with the organization.

The Urgency of Change & Communication


Vision Through Storytelling

In times of change, issues like turnover and decreased engagement often arise. Through our leadership development and coaching programs, personal resilience assessments, and team reviews, gain insights into your resilience levels, team dynamics, and how to effectively confront change while preserving well-being.

Personal Resilience Assessment

Team Results Review

Practical Tools & Hands-On Activity

Leadership Development & Coaching Programs for Everyone

Leaders are often tasked with pivotal decisions and navigating complex situations. When such challenges induce stress and doubt in leaders, it can ripple through the entire organization, fostering widespread uncertainty.

one half-day workshops
for leaders at all levels
in-person or virtual options

In order to influence people to change, we must convince their hearts as well as their minds. Valerie Franco’s Communicating Through Change Workshop provides leaders with a strategy for sharing their vision of the future with the organization.

The Urgency of Change & Communication


Vision Through Storytelling

In times of change, issues like turnover and decreased engagement often arise. Through our leadership development and coaching programs, personal resilience assessments, and team reviews, gain insights into your resilience levels, team dynamics, and how to effectively confront change while preserving well-being.

Personal Resilience Assessment

Team Results Review

Practical Tools & Hands-On Activity

Increase effectiveness and commitment during change

Invest a Half Day and Deliver Lasting Change

Improved Team

Miscommunications, confusion, and anxieties arise during periods of organizational change. You don’t have to navigate this alone, gain insights needed to confidently guide your team through structural adjustments.


Stronger leaders get better results, but empathetic leaders create long-lasting impacts. When the two are combined, you become a well-rounded guide for your team.

Improved Professional Relationships

To build and maintain strong professional relationships, communication and trust are the foundation. We think building trust comes naturally, but what will you do during a misstep?

An Impressive Track Record of Success

Learn From Valerie’s Experience

Through Valerie’s leadership development and coaching programs, you’ll gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to excel as a commander in your field. Whether you’re an emerging professional or a seasoned luminary, Valerie is committed to helping you reach your leadership potential and make a lasting impact.

Join her for an unforgettable workshop experience led by a true visionary in the world of leadership and change development. Valerie looks forward to guiding you toward excellence.

Proven leadership testimonials

Change doesn’t have to be overwhelming

Contact Valerie W. Franco to begin your leadership transformation.