90% of change efforts Fail, Be the 10%

Communicating Through Change Workshop

Communication is a complex element of driving change.

It’s easy for managers to tell their team to ‘do this thing differently,’ but this ‘thing’ is subject to change. Instead, a true leader equipped with change management skills will act as their guide, encouraging them to participate in this incredible journey.

Learning these tools will be a challenge filled with ambiguity and uncertainty, but if you trust me as your guide, I’ll guide you to success.

Happy woman in a front of the laptop
one half-day
for leaders at
all levels
in-person or
virtual options

What Will You Gain From Change MANAGEMENT SKILLS?

Concrete Strategies for Creating Action

Valerie at the presentation
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Convey Urgency

What happens when an organization never implements change? Embracing and evolving are essential steps for sustainable development, and as a leader, it’s crucial to convey this to your team to foster unity and progress.

Share the Vision

The best way to inspire engagement and build trust among your team is by painting a picture of the future you are building together. Suddenly, the challenge of going beyond expectations seems within-reach.

People listening Valerie's presentation
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Valerie W Franco leading a team virtual workshop.
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Build a Story

Through descriptive and inspirational storytelling, teams can be inspired to overcome the greatest obstacles- including when an organization implements change. Are your storytelling skills something to be inspired by?

Valerie W Franco
You are communicating about your change often, but it is not enough
Bring Everyone Along

When change is afoot, people become nervous. The ambiguity leads to feelings of fear and insecurity, which manifest in a variety of unfavorable behaviors. The solution is building trust through frequent, authentic, and vulnerable communication across various channels.

Join Valerie for an unforgettable leadership experience led by a true visionary in leadership development. She looks forward to guiding you toward leadership excellence.

Change doesn’t have to be overwhelming

Contact Valerie W. Franco to begin your leadership transformation.