Leadership and Executive Coaching To Fit Your Needs

Using her certified expertise in leadership and executive coaching, Valerie will tailor your sessions to boost your strengths and identify your areas for growth. Schedule a call today to take your leadership skills to the next level.

Two coworkers at a leadership meeting

Navigate leadership challenges with confidence. 

Elevate the Leader, Elevate the Team

Leaders are often tasked with pivotal decisions and navigating complex situations. When such challenges induce stress and doubt, it can ripple through the entire organization, fostering widespread uncertainty. 

Leadership and Executive Coaching is the solution to increase self-awareness, improve critical thinking skills, build trusting teams, communicate clearly and inspire others.

Valerie W Franco guiding a leader to their next goal.

Navigate leadership challenges with confidence

Part of leadership is making important and often complex decisions with wide-ranging impacts. Let Valerie guide you through the process of reducing self-doubt and maintaining confidence as you work to find the solution.

Employees thrive when their leaders offer clear objectives, engaging work, and genuine recognition. Strategize with Valerie to keep the very best individuals in your organization through effective leadership.

Leadership isn’t easy; your mind and body have a finite capacity to deal with challenges. Depleting that capacity results in overwhelm, which, in turn, can lead to more mistakes, interpersonal conflict, and physical ailments. Connect with Valerie to outline a personal resilience program to “fill your cup” as you navigate challenges in executive leadership.

realize the full benefits of organizational change

Change is Complex. Partnering with the Expert is Simple.

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Valerie explaining leadership
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You’re Not Born a Leader; You Become One

It’s okay not to have all the answers. In working with Valerie through her leadership and executive coaching, you will uncover your own unique leadership style and how to effectively leverage it. Valerie’s plethora of tools along with the power of her coaching will take you beyond what you thought was possible.

Unifying Companies While Navigating Uncertainties

Integrating organizations often stems from business objectives, but addressing the human side of these changes is essential. Valerie has experienced mergers and acquisitions in a variety of organizations, from a variety of perspectives. Trust her to guide you to a unified, high-performing organization.

Collaborative work to unify companies
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Zoom Call of Valerie Franco
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Pivoting to Progress

Revamping your business strategy takes courage. It shows your dedication to innovative thinking in a rapidly evolving world. Working with Valerie, you’ll explore endless possibilities and craft the perfect blueprint for a successful future.

realize the full benefits of organizational change

Transformative Impacts of Change Management


Develop the personal resilience needed to lead change in your organization.


Learn how to transform aspirational ideas into concrete steps for growth in your business.

Increase employee

Improve employee performance and the customer experience by growing a culture of engagement and care.

Valerie is your partner in change
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Meet Valerie W. Franco

Your Partner in Change Management

From navigating self-doubt as a Fortune 40 Risk Manager to proposing significant corporate changes, Valerie Franco has been there. Now she works to empower corporate leaders navigating difficult change in their organizations. Rely on her extensive experience to enable your leadership transformation!

Reach out to Valarie W. Franco and transform organizational uncertainty into steadfast direction.

Proven leadership testimonials
Valerie’s Coaching Playbook

Check out Valerie’s insights into leadership best practices.

The Executive Book Recommendation List
Want to learn more about effective leadership? Here are Valerie's recommendations for reading up on C-level resilience.
How Strategic Feedback Leads to Corporate Transformation
Learn the specifics of targeting feedback for the maximum impact in your organization.


Average roi increase for invested leadership development.


More likely to exceed objectives when implementing effective change management.


More likely to achieve financial goals with resilient leaders.

Change doesn’t have to be overwhelming

Contact Valerie W. Franco to begin your leadership transformation.